Quickstart Guide
The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for creating a complete language model application using DotnetPrompt.
To get started, add NuGet meta-package
> dotnet add package DotnetPrompt.All --version 1.0.0-alpha.1
You could also install separate packages
> dotnet add package DotnetPrompt --version 1.0.0-alpha.1
> dotnet add package DotnetPrompt.LLM.OpenAI --version 1.0.0-alpha.1
DotnetPrompt provides several components that can be used to build language model applications. They can be combined to create complex applications, or be used individually for simple applications.
Most of examples here built with OpenAIModel
which is OpenAI completion model. Recently OpenAI published
ChatGPT model which is 10 times cheaper and in some cases could yield better results. To try it you could use ChatGptModel
and ChatGptPromptTemplate
in your experiments.
LLMs: Get predictions from a language model
DotnetPrompt's fundamental component is its ILargeLanguageModel
which serves as a client that calls a language model on a given input.
We provide several out of the box implementations of the interface for different popular providers.
Let's utilize the ChatGptModel
, which employs the OpenAI ChatGPT API to generate completions based on the input prompt.
To create the Model, we would need a valid OpenAI key. In this example, you may want the outputs to be more diverse so we'll initialize the Model with a high temperature.
var llm = new ChatGptModel(Constants.OpenAIKey, ChatGptModelConfiguration.Default with
Temperature = 0.9f
For simplicity we provide PromptAsync
extension method, which take a single string as input and return generated result.
For example, if your friend sent you a message saying I'm getting so old
you might input What's a funny response to 'I'm getting so old'?
as the prompt.
var text = "What's a funny response to 'I'm getting so old'?";
var response = await llm.PromptAsync(text);
> Me too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves - we're still young at heart!
For more details on how to use LLMs within DotnetPrompt, see the LLM getting started guide.
Prompt Templates: Manage prompts for LLMs
While calling a language model (LLM) is a crucial initial step, it's merely the beginning of the process. When using an LLM in an application, user input is typically not sent directly to the model. Instead, the input is used to construct a prompt, which is then sent to the LLM.
For instance, in the previous example, the text we provided was hardcoded to request a response for theoretical friend message. In a real-world scenario, we would only take the user input, actual message, and utilize that information to format the prompt.
First lets define the prompt template:
var oneInputPrompt = new PromptTemplate(template: "What's a funny response to '{message}'",
inputVariables: new[] { "message" });
Let's now see how this works! We can call the Format
method to format it.
var valuesOneInput = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "message", "I have some exciting news to share with you!" }
var text = oneInputPrompt.Format(valuesOneInput);
> What's a funny response to 'I have some exciting news to share with you!'
For more details, check out the getting started guide for prompts.
Few Shot Learning
Few-shot learning is a type of machine learning technique where a model is trained to learn from a small set of examples, typically a few dozen or less, and can generalize to new examples with similar characteristics.
By leveraging a few-shot learning model, developers can quickly train a system to perform a specific task with minimal data, reducing the time and cost required to develop a fully-fledged AI system.
DotnetPrompt offers a convenient FewShotPromptTemplate
to simplify the process of using Few Shot Learning effectively and with minimal effort.
For instance, it can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, such as summarization, question answering, and language translation, with only a few examples of each task.
Chat Markup Language Propmt Template
With release of ChatGPT API we introduced ChatMLPromptTemplate
which enforce a ChatML structure. It is still implementation of IPromptTemplate
but it combines single and few-shot templates. ChatMLPromptTemplate
is currently supported only by ChatGptModel
var suffix = new PromptTemplate("{human_phrase}");
var examples = new List<(string, string)>()
new("Hello nice to meet you.", "Nice to meet you too."),
new("How is it going today?", "Not so bad, thank you! How about you?"),
var prompt = new ChatMLPromptTemplate(suffix, "This is a discussion between a human and a robot. The robot is very nice and empathetic.", examples);
Result when formatted with human_phrase
equal to hello
"role": "system",
"content": "This is a discussion between a human and a robot. The robot is very nice and empathetic."
{ "role": "user", "content": "Hello nice to meet you." },
{ "role": "assistant", "content": "Nice to meet you too." },
{ "role": "user", "content": "How is it going today?" },
{ "role": "assistant", "content": "Not so bad, thank you! How about you?" },
{ "role": "user", "content": "hello" }
Chains: Combine LLMs and prompts in multi-step workflows
In real applications we usually need to do more actions, data transformation or even use several different prompts/models.
In DotnetPrompt, we combine different building blocks to create a chain of actions. Chain could have only a one element as well.
For example, let's say we want to create a ModelChain
that takes user input, formats it with a PromptTemplate
and sends it to an LLM. This allows us to generate a response based on the user's input.
var llm = new OpenAIModel(Constants.OpenAIKey, OpenAIModelConfiguration.Default with
Temperature = 0.9f
var oneInputPrompt = new PromptTemplate(template: "What's a funny response to '{message}'", inputVariables: new[] { "message" });
var valuesOneInput = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "message", "I have some exciting news to share with you!" }
We can now create a very simple chain that will take user input, format the prompt with it, and then send it to the LLM:
var chain = new ModelChain(oneInputPrompt, llm);
var executor = chain.GetExecutor();
Now we can run that chain only specifying input value.
var result = await executor.PromptAsync("I have some exciting news to share with you!");
> I'm all ears! Hit me with it!
Or with another input
var result2 = await executor.PromptAsync("Want to grab lunch later?");
> Sure! What's on the menu?
This is one of the simpler types of chains, but understanding how it works will set you up well for working with more complex chains.
For more details, check out the getting started guide for chains.
Building dataflows
Chains are based on TPL.Dataflow, a programming library that helps manage multiple tasks that need to communicate with each other asynchronously, and it uses a dataflow model to promote actor-based programming.
For simple chaining we provide a special kind of chain called SequentialChain
It consume several other chains and linking them together by assinging outputs to inputs between chains.
var llm = new OpenAIModel(Constants.OpenAIKey, OpenAIModelConfiguration.Default with { Temperature = 0.9f });
// Setup model to create a company name for a product
var prompt = new PromptTemplate("What is a good name for a company that makes {product}?", new[] { "product" });
var chain = new ModelChain(prompt, llm)
DefaultOutputKey = "company_name"
// Setup model to create a catchphrase for the product
var secondPrompt = new PromptTemplate("Write a catchphrase for the following company: {company_name}", new[] { "company_name" });
var chainTwo = new ModelChain(secondPrompt, llm);
// Combine the two chains, so that we can create a company name and a catchphrase in a single step.
var overallChain = new SequentialChain(new[] { chain, chainTwo });
// Run the chain specifying only the input variable for the first chain.
var executor = overallChain.GetExecutor();
var catchphrase = await executor.PromptAsync("colorful socks");
The result
> Bring out your true colors with Soxicolor!
Dependency Injecton
Every component in DotnetPrompt could be created manually using constructor. But in complex applications in might be wise to use Dependency Injection especially if you want to use ILogger
and IDistributedCache
Models could be injected as Scoped
and we recomend to inject Chains as Transient or build them manually on demand.
OpenAI could be registered in DI with helper method
Currently dependency injecton support is in very early state, but it will be improved in future.