Getting Started
Using an LLM in isolation is fine for some simple applications, but many more complex ones require chaining LLMs -
either with each other or with other components.
DotnetPrompt provides a standard interface IChains
, as well as some common implementations of chains for ease of use.
Why do we need chains?
Chaining multiple LLM runs together (with the output of one step being the input to the next) can help users accomplish more complex tasks, and in a way that is perceived to be more transparent and controllable.
Query an LLM with the ModelChain
The ModelChain
is a simple chain that takes in a prompt template, formats it with the user input and returns the response from an LLM.
To use the ModelChain
, first create a prompt template.
var llm = new OpenAIModel(Constants.OpenAIKey, OpenAIModelConfiguration.Default with { Temperature = 0.9f });
var prompt = new PromptTemplate("What is a good name for a company that makes {product}?");
We can now create a very simple chain. To run the chain and get a result back we could use extension method PromptAsync
var chain = new ModelChain(prompt, llm);
var executor = chain.GetExecutor();
// Run the chain only specifying the input variable.
var result = await executor.PromptAsync("colorful socks");
> CheeryToes Sockery.
This is one of the simpler types of chains, but understanding how it works will set you up well for working with more complex chains.
More example how to use ModelChain
could be found here.
Creating sequential chains
The next step after calling a language model is make a series of calls to a language model. We can do this using sequential chains,
which are chains that execute their links in a predefined order. Specifically, we will use the SequentialChain
This is the simplest form of sequential chains, where each step has a singular input/output, and the output of one step is the input to the next.
var llm = new OpenAIModel(Constants.OpenAIKey, OpenAIModelConfiguration.Default with { Temperature = 0.9f });
// Setup model to create a company name for a product
var prompt = new PromptTemplate("What is a good name for a company that makes {product}?", new[] { "product" });
var chain = new ModelChain(prompt, llm)
DefaultOutputKey = "company_name"
// Setup model to create a catchphrase for the product
var secondPrompt = new PromptTemplate("Write a catchphrase for the following company: {company_name}", new[] { "company_name" });
var chainTwo = new ModelChain(secondPrompt, llm);
// Combine the two chains, so that we can create a company name and a catchphrase in a single step.
var overallChain = new SequentialChain(new[] { chain, chainTwo });
// Run the chain specifying only the input variable for the first chain.
var executor = overallChain.GetExecutor();
var catchphrase = await executor.PromptAsync("colorful socks");
The result could look like this
> Bring out your true colors with Soxicolor!
Create a one-step custom chain with the ModelChain
DotnetPrompt provides set of specialized chains out of the box, but sometimes you may want to create a custom chains for your specific use case.
The simplest way to create your own chain is to inherit ModelChain
and provide custom prompt template.
This is useful to do when you need a chain which is a part of other, larger chains.
public class SummarizeChain : ModelChain
private const string template = "Summarize the following text.\r\n\r\n" +
"Text:\r\n" +
"{text}\r\n" +
"---\r\n\r\n" +
public override string DefaultOutputKey => "summary";
public SummarizeChain(ILargeLanguageModel llm, ILogger<ModelChain>? logger = null) : base(new PromptTemplate(template), llm, logger)
In example above SummarizeChain
will have input variables same as created prompt and output variables equal to DefaultOutputKey
Create your own chain
Chains designed as an extension of TPL.Dataflow blocks. If you want to master building your own chains it is recomended to make yourself familiar with it.
You could combine several chains together or link other Dataflow blocks to built a chain for your own purposes.
Imagine that you want to generate name and slogan for you company. For that task we could write a specialized chain that take two other chains and broadcast a single input to both of them and combine result afterwards.
Our custom chain would implement IChain
interface. In constructor of the chain we would get two chains and link them in a dataflow.
public ConcatenateChain(IChain one, IChain two)
InputVariables = one.InputVariables;
_broadcast = new BroadcastBlock<ChainMessage>(e => e with {});
var joinBlock = new JoinBlock<ChainMessage, ChainMessage>();
// we PropagateCompletion so exceptions inside of the chain goes forward
one.OutputBlock.LinkTo(joinBlock.Target1, new DataflowLinkOptions() { PropagateCompletion = true });
two.OutputBlock.LinkTo(joinBlock.Target2, new DataflowLinkOptions() { PropagateCompletion = true });
Note that we link our chains' InputBlock
to interanl BroadcastBlock
. It will broadcast our propmt as ChainMessage
to each chain.
We also create a JoinBlock
to join results of our models.
The final step is to combine results in a single result string. The result would be provided through OutputBlock
inside ChainMessage.Values
with DefaultOutputKey
_finalTransformation =
new TransformBlock<Tuple<ChainMessage, ChainMessage>, ChainMessage>(list =>
var resultOne = list.Item1.Values[one.DefaultOutputKey];
var resultTwo = list.Item2.Values[two.DefaultOutputKey];
var resultDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ DefaultOutputKey, string.Concat(resultOne, "\n", resultTwo) }
return new ChainMessage(resultDictionary) { Id = list.Item1.Id };
joinBlock.LinkTo(_finalTransformation, new DataflowLinkOptions() { PropagateCompletion = true });
It is crucial to set the Id
of the final message to be the same as the Id
of the input message: return new ChainMessage(resultDictionary) { Id = list.Item1.Id };
This is because the executor expects to receive a message with the same Id
, and if it's missed, it will not be received.
The full class would look like this
public class ConcatenateChain : IChain
private readonly IChain _one;
private readonly IChain _two;
private readonly BroadcastBlock<ChainMessage> _broadcast;
private readonly TransformBlock<Tuple<ChainMessage, ChainMessage>, ChainMessage> _finalTransformation;
private CancellationTokenSource _cts = new(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
public ITargetBlock<ChainMessage> InputBlock => _broadcast;
public ISourceBlock<ChainMessage> OutputBlock => _finalTransformation;
public void Cancel()
public ConcatenateChain(IChain one, IChain two)
_one = one;
_two = two;
InputVariables = one.InputVariables;
_broadcast = new BroadcastBlock<ChainMessage>(e => e with {}); // clone input record
var joinBlock = new JoinBlock<ChainMessage, ChainMessage>();
var options = new DataflowLinkOptions() { PropagateCompletion = true };
_broadcast.LinkTo(one.InputBlock, options);
_broadcast.LinkTo(two.InputBlock, options);
one.OutputBlock.LinkTo(joinBlock.Target1, options); // we PropagateCompletion so exceptions inside of the chain goes forward
two.OutputBlock.LinkTo(joinBlock.Target2, options);
_finalTransformation =
new TransformBlock<Tuple<ChainMessage, ChainMessage>, ChainMessage>(list =>
var resultOne = list.Item1.Values[one.DefaultOutputKey];
var resultTwo = list.Item2.Values[two.DefaultOutputKey];
var resultDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ DefaultOutputKey, string.Concat(resultOne, "\n", resultTwo) }
return new ChainMessage(resultDictionary) { Id = list.Item1.Id };
}, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions() { CancellationToken = _cts.Token });
joinBlock.LinkTo(_finalTransformation, options);
public IList<string> InputVariables { get; }
public string DefaultOutputKey { get; set; } = "text";
Then to use it we will create a couple ModelChain
and provide them to constructor of ConcatenateChain
var llm = new OpenAIModel(Constants.OpenAIKey, OpenAIModelConfiguration.Default with { Temperature = 0.9f });
var prompt1 = new PromptTemplate("What is a good name for a company that makes {product}?", new[] {"product"});
var chain1 = new ModelChain(prompt1, llm, TestLogger.Create<ModelChain>())
DefaultOutputKey = "CompanyName"
var prompt2 = new PromptTemplate("What is a good slogan for a company that makes {product}?", new[] {"product"});
var chain2 = new ModelChain(prompt2, llm, TestLogger.Create<ModelChain>())
DefaultOutputKey = "Slogan"
var concatChain = new ConcatenateChain(chain1, chain2);
var executor = concatChain.GetExecutor();
var concatOutput = await executor.PromptAsync("colorful socks");
Console.WriteLine($"Concatenated output:\n{concatOutput}");
When we execute this code, the result could look like this:
> Concatenated output:
Rainbow Steps Socks
"Step Into Color with Our Socks!"
One top of this both calls to LLM was done in parallel, which is one of the benefits of using Dataflow.